
Pickled Pork Lips

Yes, that's right.  Pickled Pork Lips, also called Pickled Pig Lips, are one of the cornerstones of pickled pork products.  These pickled lips are made deep in the heart of Cajun Country in Amite, Louisiana at the plant of Farm Fresh Food Suppliers.  The recipe dates back to 1933 and these lips have been enjoyed by thousands upon thousands of pickled lip lovers.  You might be asking, "What are pickled pig lips?"  Well, the best thing about pig lips is that you can kiss 'em before you eat 'em.

It's getting harder and harder to find pork lips.  We get our lips from the heart of Cajun Country in Amite, Louisiana.  This family has been making them for 3 generations and they are the best you'll find.  They come in two sizes: quart and gallon.

Order in confidence.  Your satisfaction is guaranteed.  These are lip smackin' good...